Miti i Ou Foliga

Young Lovers | 2 comments

Miti means dream… In this love song, he’s just dreaming about her.

Miti. Miti i ou foliga

Pe a na mafai
o na ‘ou tagoina

Afai e te alofa, Dear ea, ia te a’u
Tali mai pea, po’o o ta ita ua tafea

Pele ala mai
O ta ita nei
ua moe vaivai

Afai e te alofa, Dear ea, ia te a’u
Tali mai pea, po’o o ta ita ua tafea

Fo’i mai ia ita
Faigata le alofa
Ua tu’u na’o ita

Afai e te alofa, Dear ea, ia te a’u
Tali mai pea, po’o o ta ita ua tafea


Maligi loimata e
Ta fia tepa tasi
i ou foliga matalasi

Afai e te alofa, Dear ea, ia te a’u
Tali mai pea, po’o o ta ita ua tafea

Maligi loimata e
Ta fia tepa tasi
i ou foliga matalasi

Ta fia tepa tasi
i ou foliga matalasi

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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Mari Saad

Hi, I started to learn Sāmoan, and I’d like to know about what does “Miti i ou foliga”?
Fa’afetai! 😊

Fuatino Nuusavili

Talofa lava Mari. Miti i ou foliga means, “seeing her/his face in your dream”. Miti means dream. i ou means your, and face means foliga. Hope that will help you. Fa’afetai! Fuatino