O le vi’i o le tatau Samoa

Five Stars, Golden Aliis, Traditional | 0 comments

Performed in this clip by The Golden Ali’is, this song comes from a traditional chant about the origins of the Samoan tattoo – tatau.

O le mafuaaga lenei na iloa
I le ta’aga le tatau i Samoa
O le malaga a Fafine e to’alua
na feausi mai fiti i le vasaloloa

Na la aumai ai o le ato au
Ma si a la pese e tutumau
Fai mai e tata o Fafine ae le tata o Tane

O le ala na tata ai Tane
Ona ua sese si a la pese
Taunu’u i gatai o Falealupo
Ua vaaia loa o le faisua ua tele

Totofu loa lea o Fafine
Ma ua sui ai si a la pese
Fai mai e tata o Tane
ae le Tata o Fafine

Silasila i le tama ua ta’atia
Ma le tufuga lea ua amatalia
Talofa ua tagi aueue
ua oteote solo i le Autapulu tele

Sole, sole ia e loto tele
O le ta’aloga faatamatane
e ui lava ina tiga tele
Ae mulimuli ane ua e fefete

O Atunu’u uma o le Pasefika
E sili Samoa le tauta’ua
O le Sogaimiti ua Savalivali mai
Ua Fepulafi mai ana Fa’a’ila
O aso faaifo, faamuli’ali’ao
Faaatualoa, selu, faalaufao
O le sigano faapea faaulutao
Ua ova i le vasa laolao

submitted by Maosi

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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