La’u ‘aisa ua liu suavai
O la’u rosa ua le fua mai
Ae ua ui moto e seisi
O la’u rosa oute suiti ai

Aue se mea a faigata
Ole alofa ae le tutusa
Na’o le moe ae mapu i tiga
Tau lelava lenei pologa

La’u pele soia e te tagi
Forever a’o ou ile lagi
Atonu tate toe feiloa’i
Ise aso oi lumana’i

Sau ia le manu ina lele
E momoli lo’u sei i la’u pele
Sau ia le manu ina alu
E momoli lo’u sei i lo’u fatu

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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