Ala mai

Hymns | 0 comments

A call to get ready for the time of our Lord is near.

Ala mai ma e, ofu lou malosi
E matanofie male fa’amaoni
Lulu le efuefu male palapala
saunia ua lata le siitiaga

ua ifo o le la i mauga ua latalata mai
o le iuga uso e, liliu mai ai i le Atua
se manu o ai lou avanoa

O ai ea e talitonu i lenei upu
ua avea o ia e pei ose tatupu
a e vaai iai e vave ona toe
musu le alaga i luga ole satauro ua taunuu

submitted by Kilifi

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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