Vi’i o Mamona (Se Igoa a Tauemua)

Hymns | 3 comments

Se igoa a tauemua Mamona poo le a
pei se fetuao pupula mai luga
E te le maua a sona tupuga, aua e faigata
e le pule i ai se tupu ao luga

E si ou alofa, e i ai le taumafai
Tala’i itua lava ia o mai
Muamua o Amerika sa fa’a’alia i ai
Ia Iosefa Samita Fa’afetai

Ali’i ma faipule, fa’asaga se’i su’esu’e
Faitau i le Tusi Pa’ia pe fa’amaonia
A fai ua faigata, ia onosa’i le ma
Ae alu ane i le Vai o le Ola i Pesega

Ou nofo i Pesega, ua te’a nei le ma
I le galuega nei ina ia aoga
Afai ua e lagona, pe tonu ea lena
Pe tutusa me le Mamona Siona mama

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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Suenda Moevasa

that awesome!!!

Slim Lydia

is there an instrumental for this song please


yes there is guitar piago drumbs talofa lava