La’u lupe ua lele

Traditional | 1 comment

Song of a lost love

La’u lupe ua lele, lele i le vao mao
Talofa e i la’u pele, la’u pele ua leiloa

Ta’agae o teine o loo ua gasolo mai
Ou mata e tilotilo e te le o sau ai

Ua to’ulu’ulu mai
o le sau mai Heremoni e
Ua to’ulu le alofa
i luga o Kipeona

Oi oi oi e i lenei malae
O le oti fa’afuase’i i le lalolagi e

La’u fua rosa e la’u fua veloveta e
La’u fua ua uimoto ae le’i matala e


Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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Lady love

This is a great song.