It’s the Lord’s Prayer in the Samoan language, set to a soothing, prayerful melody.
(Five Stars Version)
Lo matou Tama e, oi le lagi
Ia pa’ia lou suafa ua lasi
Ia o’o mai lou malo
ma ia fa’ataunu’u lou finagalo
O meaai ia e alofa fo’ai
Fa’amagalo agasala ua faula’i
E pei ona matou fai ai nei agaleaga
Fa’apei na fesoasoani mai le agaga
Lo matou Tama e
talia mai
Fa’amam_a matou i fa’aosoosoga
Lavea’i mai ai le leaga
Aua e ou lou malo ma le mana
Atoa fo’i ma le vi’iga
E tumau e le fa’amaluelueina
E fa’avavau ma fa’avavau lava
Ma amene ai i le tatalo a ou tagata
Five Stars were the original artists who orginally wrote the music to the words of our Lords prayer.
where can you find the five stars verion of the song?
i love dere voices
You all rock! i love you jamoa jam
the music is inspiring and hip
some words are wrong, how can you correct it