Lo’u Faavalea

Kalvin Vaega | 5 comments

This one has the same lyrics as *Pele Moana* by The Golden Ali’i’s, a Samoan version of the song *Blue Darling*

Lo’u faavalea, sau fai ta upu manamea
Ua na’o loimata sa ou suiina sou fiafiaga
Lo’u fatu ua ta’e, ua ou misia lou suafa
La’u pele Moana, o oe ua tasi, ua tasi lava

Fa’amagalo, fa’amagalo so’u leaga
So’u sesē sa ou faia, avea ma sala
Lo’u fatu ua ta’e, ua ou misia lou suafa
La’u pele Moana, o oe ua tasi, ua tasi lava
So please, please, forgive me
I’m sorry, for the wrong, that I have done
My heart would break, if ever I should lose you
Blue Darling, you’re the one, and only one

I was a fool, broke every rule, blue darling
I’m sorry, for the wrong, that I have done
My heart would break, if ever I should lose you
Blue Darling, you’re the one, and only one

Fa’amagalo, fa’amagalo so’u leaga
So’u sesē sa ou faia, avea ma sala
Lo’u fatu ua ta’e, ua ou misia lou suafa
La’u pele Moana, o oe ua tasi, ua tasi lava

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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wow! just wow! I’ve always liked the original but this is awesome! whichever way, I just love this song. I’ve inboxed my husband; I know he’ll love it :0


Does anybody have the English translation of this song?


It’s called Blue Darling


Is this the five stars version with the translation? 🙌🏽


So I did some detective work and found a video for this song. Apparently, the performer here is a guy named Kalvin Vaega… but of course, we know this is a remake of Blue Darling, also performed by the Golden Aliis and Five Stars.