O Samoa,nai ou paia ma ou faiga Samoa,
e faigata,
o ou paia o le a lulu faatini o tausala,
o le a le oo ai sau tala Samoa i ou paia e faigata,
nei sala le gagana, le tele o suiga,
o lau aganuu ia tautuana,
loto maualalo loto faamagalo,
faatamalii ma le faaaloalo .

O Samoa le foe e faaee i le tau,
taulai le vaai mo aso a sau,
mo so ta ai ia faavae mau,
loto nuu tutumau,
O Samoa,
O Samoa

Tumua ma Pule i salafai,
o Oe lava e te uu ma e sapai,
tualai e opogi ma taumafai,
lou lumanai lava le pogai,
O Samoa O Samoa

O Samoa,
o le fautuaga ia tautuana Samoa,
Au mea Sina,
Le Tautai poto,
e le aoaia e laupua tamafaiga,
Ia tuutuu atu i le loloto Samoa lau utaga ia teu loto,
lota Malo ua ta saoloto,
Samoa e le La nei goto,
o lou tofi mai anamua,
o le sami ma ou laufanua

Lyrics submitted by: Tapu Matamua Vaea Ulaula

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

Please help us to learn.

Please share any corrections or knowledge about this song in a comment below. Whatever we can verify, we will update in this post.

Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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Brother my advice to you is to keep up the talents that God give you and its also our beloved dad Matamua who passed away 1 year ago and a month now is his gifts too from God that you had continue the same talents he have from God, just keep it up bro…Love you bro your youngest sis TOTO…