Ua Fa’afetai Alofa

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Ua Fa’afetai alofa, Malie vala’au
I e ua tigaina, O mai ina o mai
O e ua mafatia
Atoa ma e vaivai,
Ina faasaga mai ia
E malolo uma ai.
Iesu e, silasila,
Ua o mai i matou;
Matou te fia ola,
Ua fia malolo;
Lo matou nei manao
Ia e talia mai,
Aua o lou alofa,
Ua valaauina ai.

Outou ua sailia,
O mea le aoga,
Ua na ona lutia
I puapuaga;
Ina faalogo atu,
I lea valaau;
Tou te matou mapu,
Ma malolo tumau,

Tali: x2

Lyrics submitted by Mose

Most of the lyrics on this site were submitted by fans of Samoan music, so the words might not be entirely correct… and we may not know who originally composed the song.

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Ma le fa’aaloalo lava.

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